
Programs and partnerships


Brisbane Central State School has partnerships with a number of secondary schools in our community. Student from many of the schools attend our school on a regular basis, acting as mentors for our students both in the classroom, at break times and in after school activities. Our students benefit from the support and extra learning opportunities available as part of our Secondary School Partnerships Program.

The St Laurence’s student visits occur during first break on selected weeks. BCSS students in Years 2 and 3 self-nominated to have a play time buddy. Our students are always eager to meet up with their St Laurence’s buddies. The St Laurence’s students bring lots of enthusiasm and depart, hopefully knowing that they had added a special something to someone else’s day. The IES College students immerse themselves in the classroom learning, supporting the BCSS students in their learning. The All Hallows’ School students attend after school one day a week, assisting in one of our after school clubs. The All Hallows’ students support and enrich the students’ inquiry into a subject of interest. Excitement bubbles in the library on other afternoons with the visits from the Brisbane Girls Grammar School students and the Brisbane Grammar School students. Acting as reading mentors for selected groups of BCSS students each term, the Grammar students team up for a special reading time with their reading buddies.

We appreciate the support of the secondary schools and the what they add to the learning journeys of our students.

Last reviewed 17 September 2024
Last updated 17 September 2024