The Brisbane Central State School library is focused on supporting students to develop a love of reading and learning through access to our engaging collection of books available for browsing and for loan.
Library open for returns and borrowing
The school library is open 8:30am-8:55am, Monday to Friday, for children to return and borrow books. Parents may attend before school with their children. Each class has a scheduled time each week to attend the library to return and borrow books.
Library open during lunch breaks
The library is generally open during both play times for reading, board games, and quiet activities such as drawing. Borrowing of books is not available at this time, however, books may be returned.
How to return or borrow a book
Books are returned by placing them in the returns chute located in the library counter. Books are borrowed by taking them to the library staff for processing.
Children have access to borrowing two books at a time. They have access to a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts. Children are taught strategies for selecting good fit books.
Non-returned library books
It happens at times that the children leave their library books at home on library borrowing day. When this happens parents will get an automated reminder email of any overdue books. This email is generated by the Infiniti library system from the email address Parents may consider listing this email address in their email contacts to avoid messages being directed to the ‘junk’ email folder. If a book has not been returned after a period of time, we ask for a library reimbursement fee to be paid by parents to help offset the cost of replacement books and help us keep a good collection in the library. Parents will be invoiced through the school office in these circumstances.
If a child has a book overdue on the system, they are not able to borrow any additional books. Borrowing rights are restored when all books are returned or the library reimbursement fee is paid. If there are special circumstance regarding the non-return of books, please contact the class teacher.
Library bags
The students are asked to bring their library books in a library bag to protect the books and reduce the likelihood of books being misplaced.
The parents of children who attend the BCSS Playgroup have access to borrowing from the school library collection for their children. Please see school staff at the library for more information.
Sora – audiobook and ebook subscription
BCSS has a school subscription to the Sora App, providing the children with access at home and school, to a large collection of audiobooks and ebooks. Students use their school network login details to access this site, their MIS ID which consists of a string of letters based on their first and last name and a designated number. Many students know their own MIS ID. If you would like these details, please contact the class teacher.