Intervention and Support programs
At Brisbane Central, we provide a number of support programs across the school.
Extension and Intervention Programs
Mrs Jo Gawne and Ms Maureen Kelly work with students to support their learning through support or extension.
English as an Additional Language Programs
At Brisbane Central State School the English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) team have an extensive program of support in place in order to cater for the diverse range of students within our school community.
The Prep students participate in a weekly Oral Language Program, which establishes the basic skills of Speaking and Listening, which forms the basis for more academic learning later. In Terms 3 and 4, this support then becomes more targeted to include reading and writing activities, in small groups as well as within the class.
In Years 1-6, students are able to access EAL/D support in a variety of ways.
Newly arrived children in Australia, are withdrawn from classes in small groups in a program to develop all areas of their English language skills. These groups match their year levels and are designed to be age appropriate and suited to the level of English that the children demonstrate upon their arrival.
This program is further complemented by in-class support with the EAL/D Teachers, the EAL/D Teacher Aide and the Class Teachers working together as a team to develop appropriate programs for all students.
In Years 6 students also have an additional option of attending the EAL/D Cluster Class at Stafford State School one day per week; whilst still attending Brisbane Central State School. This arrangement with Stafford State School is designed to provide targeted, intensive English support to assist the student’s knowledge and use of English and to better prepare them before leaving for high school.