P&C Membership New members are always welcome and is a great opportunity to meet other parents and the school leadership team.
By being a member, you will receive all P&C meeting details, agendas and minutes directly to your email address – you can attend as often or as little as you can.
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P&C Members can also nominate for the P&C Executive Committee positions.
You can be more involved, meet new people, grow your connections and learn new skills in a supportive environment with other dedicated volunteers.
All P&C Executive positions become vacant in March of every year and are re-elected during the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
If Executive positions are vacant, you can nominate for a role at any time.
The BCSS Executive Committee positions include President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. There are also Assistant roles for Treasurer and Secretary if you would like to learn and gain experience in these areas.
Additional Vice President positions are also available that focus on key areas of success for the P&C – Operations (Tuckshop and Uniform Shop), Community Engagement & Sponsorship, Events, and Social Media.
P&C Executive Committee Members must hold a QLD Government Blue Card (Working with Children) – there is no cost as a volunteer and the application process can be completed when you are elected to the Executive Committee.
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Whether it’s an hour, every week or occasionally, any time you can volunteer is hugely valued and contributes to the success of our P&C.
The P&C has created a BCSS Community WhatsApp Group that includes a Volunteer Group that shares opportunities to assist.